registering is a walk in the park!
fill out your personal details
To get started, you’ll need to enter some personal details like your name and email address (don't worry - we don't share these details with anyone). You can also have a read of our Terms and Conditions.
Personalise your fundraising page
Next, you will create your personal fundraising page. Everyone who registers for the walk will need to set up an individual fundraising page, even if they are part of a team or workplace.
To personalise your page, set fundraising target, upload a profile picture and let us know why you're choosing to walk for WAGEC!
choose how you're walking
Now you need to choose how you’ll be Walking for WAGEC! You can walk as a solo superstar, as part of a terrific team or as part as a wonderful workplace.

walk solo

create a new team or workplace
Select 'Create a team' to get started.
If you are a Workplace Captain, make sure you select 'yes' at the 'are you a workplace?' question. Workplaces will receive support that is specific to fundraising at work, so make sure you select the right option.
Once your team or workplace page has been set up, share the link and group name with your co-walkers!

join a team or workplace
Then, select 'join an existing team' and type your team or workplace name into the search box. When you see your group, select that option and move onto the next step!
donate to your page
If you don't want to make a donation to your page, you can skip this step.
pay for rego
Finally, pay the $25 registration fee to officially sign up to Walk for WAGEC.
This fee helps us to cover the cost of the event, so all donations can go directly towards supporting women and children. For more information, click here.
you're ready to walk!
Let the fun(d)raising begin!